Gorkha Ayurvedic Aloe Vera Juice 500ml

-Contains 75 potentially Active constituents these include vitamins, Minerals, enzymes, sugar, amino- acids, salicylic acids, lignin and saponins.
- Vitamins in Aloe- Vera juice include vitamin A, C and E, folic acid, vitamin B-12 and choline.
- It contains minerals like Ca, Cu, Mg, Manganese, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc and Potassium.
- Aloe Vera juice has digestive and immunity boosting benefits.
- It helps in cholesterol and blood pressure reduction.
- It balances the body pH levels, improves skin health and treats bad breath.
- It stimulates uterus and improves menstrual conditions.
- Benefits eyes and helps to prevent eye disorders.
- Treats jaundice and bronchitis.
- Anti- Inflammatory property of Aloe- Vera on the skin.
- Gibberellins hormone in Aloe Vera is found to fight inflammation in diabetic individuals.
- Aloe Vera juice immensely benefits people with joint pain.
- Aloe Vera Exhibits reduced level of cholesterol and blood sugar (in diabetic patients).
- Reduces hepatic cholesterol levels.
- It also dilates the capillaries and enhances the artery walls and the vitamin C in aloe Vera helps to lower blood pressure.
- It flushes the toxins out of the body.
- Aloe Vera exhibits hepatoprotective activity.
- Aloe Vera could stimulate cellular and humoral (related to bodily fluids) immunity. According to the National Cancer Institute, Aloe Vera gel/ juice can act as an immune system enhances.
- American study says, aloe Vera based composition that has been found to aid in maintenance of healthy blood glucose levels.
- Aloe Vera can inhibit cancer cell growth and increase the effectiveness of cancer drugs like Cisplatin.
- Aloe Vera contains bioactive compounds like aloin, lectin, and aloesin, which have shown ant proliferative effects.
- Aloe Vera juice is alkaline and hence balances our body's pH levels. A body with an acidic pH can attract disease.
- Aloe Vera juice is very much hydrating. So, aloe Vera can improve skin hydration.
- Aloe Vera juice can act as efficient mouth wash.
- Can accelerate wound healing process.
- Can absorb 20-30% of UV rays.
- Slows down Aging process.
- It provides essential amino acids.
Specification | |
Brand | GorkhaAyurved |
Type | Nutrients |